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avraconsultancyGmbH | Professional Consultancy Services
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Debt Collection
Payment Reminder Service
Other Services
About the Company
Experience and Professionalism.

Abraham M. Schijveschuurder

Founder and Managing Director of avra consultancy GmbH

Thanks to many years of experience and a comprehensive understanding of the trade sector Abraham has developed an extensive network of experts. He has excellent client communication skills and is ideally placed to find individually tailored, optimum solutions for all customers.

As an internationally experienced businessman Abraham is well acquainted with the cultural practices in the various countries. Thanks to his friendly yet assertive manner and a healthy dose of optimism he always hits the right note in conversations with his business partners. 

He is discrete, understands client confidentiality and is unfailingly loyal to his clients.

avra consultancy GmbH | Professional

© avra consultancy GmbH 2021

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